La rete

Sede legale e amministrativa

Coordinamento servizio SAISH – AEC – SISMIF

Via Cardinale Massimi, 13 – 00167 Roma

Tel. 06 30602484 – 06 30601870

Fax 06 3387604



Sedi operative

SEDE FORMATIVA ACCREDITATA REGIONE LAZIO: Via del Fontanile Nuovo, 36/38 – 00135 Roma Tel. 06 3011419 – 06 35019518 Fax 06 3011875   PEC:

SPAZIO BE.BI “LA CASETTA”: Via F. Tacchinardi, 25 – 00135 Roma Tel/fax 06 3012887 E-mail:

CASA ALLOGGIO “PICCOLA STELLA”: Via delle Medaglie d’Oro, 106 – 00136 Roma Tel. 06 39754553

C.A.G. CagMania”: Via del Fontanile Nuovo, 42/44 – 00135 Roma Tel. 06 30819689 E-mail:  Sito web:


S. Onofrio Cooperativa Sociale onlus is a not for profit social enterprise (Italian law  “social co-operative”) working in Roma suburb area since 1981 promoting innovation in social field.

The mission statement of the organisation is “to pursue the general interest of a community to a human promotion and to a social integration of citizens”.

The goal of the organization is to promote the improvement of existential conditions of people during their long-life, supporting single person and families through welfare related activities, health care activities, educational and professional training activities.

All our activities are addressed to people with disabilities, immigrants, youngers and teen agers, families, workers and unemployed.

Our activities and/or projects are mainly financed by public authorities (European Social Found, Roma’s Province, Lazio Region, Roma’s district) or charitable contributions and are free of charge.


Vocational training centre. Our centre is recognised by Lazio Region for continuing and advanced education courses in the following thematic area: environment protection, education and training in social field, information technology, occupational safety, social services, health services. The centre has about 150 students/year and 40 workers.

In home care assistance. This service is addressed to not self-sufficient persons and/or persons with mental disorders (about 160 adults and youngers/year). The services are carried out at home or through outdoor activities.

Social and education service. This service is addressed to under-age people placed into care or at risk to be institutionalized or anyhow to teenagers with behavioural problems (about 20/year). The service is carried out at home or in different places and it aims to support parenthood abilities.

Nursery school. The service is addressed to children from 18 months to 3 years (about 50/year) and it’s recognized by Roma’s district.

Assisted living facilities for disabled people. The flat is owned by our organization supported by social workers and educators working on shifts. The activities are carried out in the house and outdoor. In 2014 the house guests are 8

Family daily centre. The service is addressed to Italian and immigrant’s families and their children (about 150/year). It offers a full range of  consultant services on issues regarding family and cultural mediation, social and health matters, training and education matters, legal advices, etc.

Youth meeting centre. The service is accomplished through fun recreational and educational activities carried out in the centre or outdoor. The number of teen-agers involved in the activities is about 100/year.